Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Day 11 - Friday 10 May

Well our last day. With an early afternoon departure from the hotel we had a walk around the Kalloni Pool, Christou river and the hotel area. Lovely Kentish Plover on the mudflats around the river. The pool had house had spanish sparrows, a favourite of mine.

So that was it, the end of a great birding trip, not rained on once. Good food in the Taverna's, good company with all the birders we met. Thanks to Chris and Tom for the company.

Thanks to everyone for the sharing of news and to Steve D for his tireless organisation and help for all the birders visiting the island. Last but not least to the Pasiphae Hotel for looking after us, the Dionysos and Australia Taverna's and big thanks.

An uneventful and timely journey back to the UK with Aegean and a drive back home from Heathrow then saw us arrive at 01:00.

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