Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Day 10 - Thursday 9 May

Well our last full day. We decided on a long day to finish off, as usual I was out early around the Saltpans. Nothing photographed today though.

Our first location was to be the Makara Valley, hopefully to pick up chukar, sadly we missed out on this species. However there was plenty more to occupy us, this little owl flew down onto the ground and was enjoying a dust bath, whilst also keeping an eye on us.

Next was a whinchat sat up close to the car, almost too close!

We were really taking our time on this road enjoying the variety of species. Down at the beach this stonechat was collecting food for its young.

On the way back up to the main road we encountered many crezschmaher's buntings.

A lovely, although a little distant black-eared wheatear.

Plus one of the many crested larks.

Next was to be another, and last visit, to the Meladia valley.

First stop had us watching a family group of rock nuthatches and this unidentified species.

At the next stop was really surprised when this rock nuthatch popped up next to us, almost too close to focus and definitely to large in the frame for me.

Down at the ford we pulled off the road and I saw this little bittern sat on top of the bushes, except it was on the wrong side of the car! This image is thanks to Chris.

Nothing new at the chapel so onto the Old Sanatorium where a subalpine warbler was being very  co-operative.

Our last day ended with another trip to the Saltpans but nothing new was added.

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