Thursday, 30 May 2013

Day 6 - Sunday - 5 May
A quieter day today, Easter Sunday and we decided not to travel far from Skala Kalloni.
First site was a very quiet Christou river where we saw little more than house and spanish sparrows. We moved onto Metochi lake where we had 18 black-crowned night herons in trees at the far end of the lake, with 3 squacco herons. It was hard viewing the lake as the surrounding vegetation only allowed viewing from a few locations and groups of people already using each. However from 1 we did find a little bittern.
Next we moved onto the 'Scops Copse' and were straight onto the target sitting relatively openly.

Our next stop was to be the Raptor Watchpoint. This proved to be quite productive for raptors. Also round about there were cretzschmar bunting's. Raptors included honey buzzard, lesser spotted eagle, short-toed eagle and peregrine. 

We now went back to the Kalloni saltpans for the rest of the day along with the track to the Tsiknias river ford. No new species and little photographic opportunity. 


  1. Just a shame about the vegetation around it, but, beggars can't be choosers.
